안녕하세요! 이번 영상은 인천의 한 고등학교 학생들의 미국 고등학교 행사와 관련된 질문에 원어민 친구들이 답하는 영상입니다.
Q1. 한국 고등학교에서는 축제와 체육대회 같은 행사가 있어요. 미국 고등학교에는 어떤 종류의 학교 행사가 있나요? (박*은, 김*희)
(In Korean high schools, there are events like festivals and sports competitions. What kind of school events are there in American high schools?)
Q2. 미국 고등학교는 댄스 파티나 다른 파티를 종종 하나요? (김*서)
(Do American high schools often have dances or parties?)
에 대해 엘리노어 (10학년)와 피터 (2021년도 고등학교 졸업)가 답해 줍니다.
도움이 되시길 바랍니다! 😊
[영상 속 어휘]
1. big thing: 큰 흐름/동향, 유행, 추세; 큰일; 대단한 것[일]
2. marching band: (행진하면서 연주하는) 악단[악대], 행군 악대
3. big deal: 대단한 것, 중대 사건, 큰 거래
a thing considered important.
"they don't make a big deal out of minor irritations"
an important person.
"Sam Kinison became a big deal"
4. besides: ~외에; 게다가, 그뿐만 아니라 (cf. beside: ~옆에 (=next to~))
"Beside" is a preposition that means "close to" or "next to." "Besides" is also a preposition that means "in addition to" or "apart from." It's can also serve as an adverb that means "furthermore" or "another thing." Example: Come and sit beside me.
5. assembly (복수형: assemblies): 의회, 입법 기관; 집회
A school assembly: a gathering of all or part of a school for purposes, such as special programs or communicating information basis. In some schools, students gather to perform a common song or prayer, and to receive common announcements.
6. gym (=gymnasium): 체육관, (실내) 경기장
7. bleacher: 관람석 (a cheap bench seat at a sports arena, typically in an outdoor uncovered stand.); 표백제
8. competition: 경쟁; (경연) 대회, 시합; 경쟁자, 경쟁 상대
9. silly: 어리석은, 바보 같은 (=foolish); 우스꽝스러운, 유치한, 철없는 (=ridiculous)
-having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish.
"another of his silly jokes"
-a foolish person (often used as a form of address).
"come on, silly"
10. lap: (경주에서 트랙의) 한 바퀴 (An example of a lap is one run around a track.); (자리에 앉았을 때 양 다리 위의 넓적한 부분에 해당하는) 무릎; 찰랑[찰싹] 거리다
11. obviously: (누구나 알다시피·동의하다시피) 확실히[분명히] (=clearly); 눈으로 보거나 이해하기에) 분명히[명백히]
12. homecoming: 美 (고교·대학 졸업생들이 연 1회 갖는) 동창회; 귀향
Homecoming - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Tradition of welcoming back alumni of a school Homecoming is the tradition of welcoming back former students and members and celebrating an organization's existence. It is a tradition
13. a prom (=promenade dance): (특히 미국에서 고등학교의) 무도회
Prom - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Formal dance or gathering of students at the end of the high school academic year Decorating for prom, students and student advisers put finishing touches on a ballroom at a banquet ha
14. a pep rally: 美, 비격식 사기 진작 모임, 궐기[응원] 대회 (a meeting aimed at inspiring enthusiasm, especially one held before a sporting event.)
Pep rally - Wikipedia
A group of students cheering and clapping at their high school pep assembly. A pep rally or pep assembly is a gathering of people, typically students of middle school, high school, and college age, before a sports event. The purpose of such a gathering is
15. exclusive: 독점적인, 전용의; 배타적인, 특권층의; 신문 잡지의) 독점 기사
16. Halloween: 할로윈 (10월 31일) (→ trick or treat)
Halloween - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Holiday celebrated on 31 October HalloweenAlso called Hallowe'en All Hallowe'en All Hallows' Eve All Saints' Eve Observed byWestern Christians and many non-Christians around the world
17. Sadie Hawkins: 사디 호킨스 데이(미국에서 여자가 남자의 초대를 기다리지 않고 먼저 나서서 남자를 초대할 수 있는 날)
Sadie Hawkins dance - Wikipedia
School dance to which women invite men In the United States and Canada, a Sadie Hawkins dance is a usually informal dance sponsored by a high school, middle school or college, to which the women invite the men.[1] This is contrary to the custom of the men
Why do they call it a Sadie Hawkins dance?
The Sadie Hawkins dance is named after the Li'l Abner comic strip character Sadie Hawkins, created by cartoonist Al Capp. ... The event was introduced in a daily strip that ran on November 15, 1937.
18. It's named after A: 그것은 A의 이름을 따오다
19. be allowed to V: V 하도록 허락되다(허락받다)
20. celebration: 기념[축하] 행사
21. a photo booth: 즉석 사진 촬영 부스
22. norm: 표준, 일반적인 것 (=rule); 규범, 규준; 기준
23. an all-night party : 밤샘 파티
24. regular: 정상의, 정규의, 보통의; 규칙적인, 정기적인 (↔ irregular); 잦은, 주기적인, 규칙적인 (↔ irregular); 단골손님, 고정 고객
미국 학제 | |
Average Age (평균 연령) | Grade (학년) |
Elementary School (초등학교) | |
6-7 | 1st Grade |
7-8 | 2nd Grade |
8-9 | 3rd Grade |
9-10 | 4th Grade |
10-11 | 5th Grade |
Middle School (중학교) | |
11-12 | 6th Grade |
12-13 | 7th Grade |
13-14 | 8th Grade |
High School (고등학교) | |
14-15 | 9th Grade, Freshman |
15-16 | 10th Grade, Sophomore |
16-17 | 11th Grade, Junior |
17-18 | 12th Grade, Senior |
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미국 십대들은 여가 시간에 뭘 할까? (0) | 2021.07.23 |
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